
Everything in the Universe is just Energy in Different Forms

By learning and practicing how to keep our Whole Being in balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, we give ourselves the best gift ever… the quality of life we want to have for as long as we live.

Our body is a miracle of Nature, truly a creation of the Divine.  It is a complex, self-governing system with the ability to adjust to changes, to repair what is not working properly, and to develop.

Life expectancy for these bodies we inhabit is an open question.  Some scientists say it could be as high as 150 years. Others say it could even be 500 years.  The most optimistic ones do not see a limit for this body system to exist as long as it remains in balance.  The next important statement is that we are not human beings with souls, but we are souls which are using human bodies for purposes of development.  Within this context, death (the most radical of energy transitions) can be explained as a collection of mistakes pushing the body to a point where the balance can no longer be maintained. In order to thrive, any system must have constant and regulated energy interchange.  The human body is no exception. Keeping the whole body energy system in balance is the route to longevity.  Nutritional Balancing (NB) can help us map out the journey.

What is Nutritional Balancing?  Dr. Paul C. Eck pioneered the new Science of Human Energy.  He created a total healing system which combines Western Medical Science with elements of Eastern Healing Philosophy.  Eck’s approach also makes use of modern physics principles such as general systems theory and quantum physics.  This new paradigm always views the body as one whole, complex, and self-regulated system. NB science recognizes that each individual has a unique metabolic blueprint. This, in and of itself, represents a different paradigm from that of traditional medicine.   Standard medical treatment is based on the naming of a disease or condition, for which a remedy or treatment is then prescribed.  With NB, the naming of the sufferer’s condition is not as important as understanding the nature of the imbalance.  Once the cause of imbalance has been determined, the process of re-balancing can begin.  That is the starting point for healing and attaining true health.  NB is an eclectic discipline –science as synthesis.  It incorporates knowledge from the fields of biochemistry, physiology, nutrition, stress theory, pathology  and psychology.  Its roots grow from Chinese medicine, yet, it is a new and expanded approach to healing.  It involves a precise means of assessing and monitoring the condition of the body chemistry.  That precision is achieved through hair mineral analysis (similar to biopsy) as a tool to determine where the body is in terms of balance.  It is like on any Internet service, for direction you must have your starting point and a point of destination.  Then, you get a description for how to get there.  We all want to get to the point of balance, but if our starting points are opposite on a map, then directions will be very different.  That is what is so unique about NB science, it doesn’t rely on symptoms, which can be developed from different problems.  Doctors will agree that two people with the same symptoms may have two totally different reasons for that.  So to fight with just symptoms is like playing Russian Roulette, you may win or you may lose…it’s a Dangerous Game.

In order to move in the right direction, we must know where we are first.  NB science gives us this opportunity, as well as solutions on how to get where we want to be.  For a better understanding of NB science, I recommend that you read an Interview of Dr. Paul Eck’s published in The Healthview Newsletter from 1981 link here:  The Healthview Newsletter (Dr. P.Eck Interview) : A Beginning Course on Energy and Minerals.

In Russian : Перевод интервью Др.П. Эка

After all, if you truly appreciate your life here on Earth in this body, why not find out how long you can live it?